
June 30, 2007

AJUE Volume 3, Number 1, June 2007

Chapter 1: University Accountability Practices in Mainland China and Hong Kong: A Comparative Analysis Chapter 2: Multiple Minimal Choices: Ideology and Multiple Choice English Language Testing […]
December 30, 2006

AJUE Volume 2, Number 2, December 2006

Chapter 1: Internationalisation of Malaysian Universities: A Case Study of the National University of Malaysia Chapter 2: Academic Success in a Pre-Degree Programme: A Study of […]
December 30, 2006

AJUE Volume 2, Number 1, June 2006

Chapter 1: The THES University Rankings: Are They Really World Class? Chapter 2: Supervising Theses: Congruence between the Expectations of Supervisors and Supervisees Chapter 3: Unpacking […]