Asian Journal of University Education
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE) is an open online international refereed scholarly journal with an overarching scope on university and higher education. The journal is listed in SCOPUS, ERA, MyCite, DOAJ, EuroPub, ACI, DRJI, OCLC WorldCat, and ADL. AJUE publishes three times a year- February, June and October. It is published by Penerbit UiTM (UiTM Press – It is an open-access journal which means that its content is available for free. We adhere to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which allows users to share, adapt, and redistribute responsibly by giving due credit to the original authors. AJUE does not allow any commercial usage of articles published in this journal.
Internationalization of higher education
21st century teaching and learning
Assessment and evaluation
Policy and curriculum development
Educational leadership and management
Equity in education
Quality assurance
Sustainability, new norms, post-pandemic education
Articles related to school education that have implications for higher education are also welcomed. The journal has a policy of double-blind review. Authors must submit a Turnitin or any plagiarism checker report (the first page suffices) which shows a similarity index of 20% or less to be accepted for publication.